It is not by accident you are stopping by, probably, it is the result of your quest for information in Spirituality and more likely a proof of your interest in the new direction the world is taking in the era of Aquarius where everything that was in the dark must come to light. “Freres Reunis” is a not for profit
organization that focuses on spiritual, philanthropy, humanitarian that is committed to elevate the community as a whole and lift brothers and sisters to a new level of understanding, in love, respect and dignity. Needless to say we are prohibiting any kind of discrimination and hate of all sorts in our
What We Do
At our location center in Dorchester, we provide Training for all, we
distribute turkeys, we organize block parties, and we have field trips in order
to create an environment where everyone can identify themselves in find a
way to alleviate the daily stress of life. During the holiday season we
distribute toys to the neighboring kids or we make sure every person visiting
us receives a coat to keep them warm for the doll winter months. Our heart is
to defend, protect and respect for all.
We help others to manage a real life
Our high-level goal is to alleviate physical and mental poverty by trying to touch the heart of those individually affected by the miss treatment of the society. We want to create a safe environment where all can have the same
opportunity, where the society will become a place we can call our own.
“Freres Reunis” provides life skill education that empowers youngs to mature into fully capable adults and become leaders in their communities. This education includes preventing domestic violence, practice abstinence and promote healthy families relationships. By mentoring the youths early,
our hope is to diminish delinquency and optimize productive contributors to society.
Mission Statement
“Frères Réunis # 597 Inc.” mission is to promote spiritual
development of people of good moral characters that believe in the
Supreme Being and live in accordance with the tenets and moral
principles of the sacred Books (Torah, Bible or Koran etc.) by providing a
humanitarian community service, and good education works in
conformity with the ordinances and decrees of Universal world.